My Sketchbook

Sketching is the foundation for almost all visual artists. Sketching not only allows the artist to be free with their imagination, but will also immensely improve technical skills over time.

 I don't do much sketching.

This year, I'm going to change that. I want to fill up several sketchbooks by the end of the year. Check back here often to help keep me accountable. (Mom, I'm mostly speaking to you.) Seriously, I need help. An artist who doesn't sketch? It's like a scientist who doesn't...beaker. Or something sciencey.

Crumpled paper with pencil. (This is good standby when I don't know what else to draw. All the creases make good contrast.)

Boot with pen and ink.

Leaves with colored pencil.

Patio chair with watercolor and pen.

Sandal with watercolor and pen.