Friday, May 20, 2011

Painting Pencils

I'm quite sure that my blog can be rather deceiving. I probably give the impression that I run around chasing my dog all day with a camera, while intermittently clipping coupons and rambling to myself about some ongoing feud with winter. But the truth is, the bulk of my day is spent painting, and it's just during my breaks that I chase Eddie and bake delicious potato side dishes.

As proof, here's a painting in progress for my upcoming show this November. I started it last week and I'm about halfway finished. It's a pretty simple concept, I'm just painting my art pencils, or at least a portion of them. I have about a billion, but these are the ones I use the most. (Note to starving artists: You can never own enough pencils. It's just not possible. And if someone is looking for a pencil to use, sorry, but you have nothing to offer. They are art pencils after all, and cannot be used for such things as "writing". Find some other unfortunate tool to scribble down your Home Depot list, Jeff.)

With luck on my side, and delightful break-time distractions kept to a minimum, I'm hoping to wrap it up by next week and will post it on as soon as I'm finished. Happy Friday!


  1. WOW.

    I can't even think of anything else to say. Pencils never looked so good. You are amazing!!!!

  2. Nice job Chrissy -- I can't wait to see your show! Hey, I've been wanting to get together with you for like a month now and Marshall keeps ruining my plans (lol). I was thinking it might be fun to get together and take the art tour at Mayo or anything else you'd be interested in. Looks like Marshall is going to be getting his transplant soon so I'd love to make some plans with you after that.
