Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Starving In Style

If you happen to be a starving artist, here's a hint: Food should probably be at the top of your 'Things I Need To Survive' list. Not Coach handbags.

I rarely take my own advice though.

See, here's the thing. Should you happen to be a starving artist, and should you also happen to be in the vicinity of a Coach Outlet, and should the sales lady hand you a 30% off coupon upon entry, and should you also happen to find a Poppy Collection crossbody graffiti bag in the clearance section, you should probably just buy it.

50% off + 30% off = WIN. That's just math.


  1. The way I see it, buying that purse really was the only option available to you. I mean, really. What's a girl to do???

    PS It was so fun to shop with you this weekend!!! I am, however, taking a lot of flack for not getting a certain mother a Coach purse while we were there. :-)

  2. so how about that? You both should have picked up one for me. BTW, Chrissy, that's one nice purse. :)
