Friday, June 10, 2011

A Splendid Tour

Lettuce take a tour of my backyard. Shall we?

Though my foreshadowing may be subtle, the keen-minded among you may have guessed where this is going.

It's the small things that make this backyard such an extraordinary place to be. So grab your monocle and kerchief, and off we go! (Note: This tour will be conducted with a British accent on account of all the monocles.)

Behold...lettuce! The seedlings appear to be rather fond of rain, though the water from the garden hose will do in a pinch.

Blimey! Is that a tiny pepper I see? Why, I believe it is! Brilliant!

As you can see, the onions were extremely camera shy today, and will be pictured at a later date. This in no way reflects my abilities as a gardener. The onions simply did not want their photograph taken today. I'd rather not talk about onions anymore. Right then. Onward!

Gather 'round, gather 'round! This lily is one of many who call my backyard 'home.' Who doesn't love perennials? Show of hands. *Chuckles* Yes, I didn't think so. See, not having to plant things every year is a lot more agreeable than having to plant things every year.

Mind yourselves around the rose bush! The thorns are absolutely ghastly. Now, this plant is extraordinary. You see, I thought it may have kicked the bucket when I didn't trim it back, or cover it up from the cold, or shelter it from the seven feet of snow that accumulated over it last winter, or remember it existed. But look at it now, it's positively radiant. Fancy that. This is my kind of plant. I do believe I'll keep it.

Ahh, here we have my favorite addition to the backyard. My mother taught me how to make homemade hummingbird grub, and now, my house has become the local hummingbird hot spot. Of course, these little chaps don't stay long, but you can bet your knickers they'll be back!

Well friends, I'm afraid the tour is at an end. No need to fret! Other tours will be scheduled in the future, I'm sure. Much thanks for coming! Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. I just want to wrap you up and put you in my pocket; you are so darned cute!!! And your garden is amazing. I can't wait to see it. We'll be in town in just about a month, I think! Hooray!!!
