Monday, August 15, 2011

Cool as a Cucumber

After a week long vacation, I came back to find these in the garden.

And I picked six before I left.


Anyone have any good cucumber recipes?


  1. cut them in half, de-seed them, slice, add lemon juice, dill & a little feta. yum! also - cucumer, tomatoes, italian dressing, feta cheese - yummy salsa. (can you tell i have a garden full too!)

  2. Do you like Mom's cucumber salad recipe with sour cream? Also, I have a great pickle recipe if you want to pickle the small ones?!!!!!

  3. I made slicked pickles this morning!!!!!They're refrigerator pickles and I'll be able to eat them in 24 hours!! YaY!!!! Yours look beautiful. should paint a picture of them. How about a before and after. Show them on the counter first. Make your pickles, then show your beautiful pickle jars!!!!
